For many years I was on the other end of training – the participant.
Course after course… I just didn’t “Get It”. Upon realization that I usually understood content,
I decided it wasn’t me, it was the Instructor/Educator.
From that day forward I decided that I wanted to make sure that no participant ever felt the way I did for years.
So, I became an Instructor with a desire and a passion for teaching in a way that a participant could and would learn with ease. I not only focus on simplicity, but also create a friendly and fun learning environment. (I receive continuous and consistent positive feedback: “I loved it and didn’t want the course to end”, “I actually truly get it and feel prepared for an emergency”, “It was so worth the time”, “The best course I’ve had in 24 years of nursing”, “LifeSavers courses are so interactive, animated, and motivating!” and etc…)
Learning can be a fabulous and empowering experience.
If you don’t believe that…take a course from LifeSavers and feel it!
Sandra Litman
LifeSavers Training for Life™